Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for December 14, 2017

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    tejanolasereyes  about 7 years ago

    Ka-Ho-Ho-Ho!… we’re talking….remember to wear a red santa suit while dispensing justice…the blood doesn’t show as much.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 7 years ago

    Aw TNT, grow a spine!

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    Chithing Premium Member about 7 years ago

    What’s in a name? A crook by any other name would still be ripe for a KA-PUNCH!

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    Boofish1  about 7 years ago

    But she just gave him her card…maybe it says “Merry Christmas Bandit” and she ka-robbed him!

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    Darwinskeeper  about 7 years ago

    Why does nobody wonder about Rip having a talking dog? I have yet to see another talking animal in this strip and yet even strangers (like our intrepid reporter) don’t seem to notice or care.

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    warjoski Premium Member about 7 years ago

    With this kind of set up, we can only hope for a Christmas Eve-Roof Top punch up with a bad guy dressed as Santa, henchmen dressed as reindeers, and maybe a hot evil-groupie dressed as an elf. That would be the best Ka-Christmas ever!

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    tad1  about 7 years ago

    Well, you can’t expect all bad guys to come up with clever names.

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  8. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 7 years ago

    Let’s be fair, Rip… All the good names are taken.

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    tad1  about 7 years ago

    Not every bad guy can come up with a cool name.

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