"ACME rims and Tires" "AIR" "A3000 Pneumatic tire mounter" Man: Whats the matter, kowalski? Can't Handle the pressure?
… and I’m tired.
No, it’s just that I need some fresh air.
That joke was funny the first day, ten years ago.
When I worked in the tire business I would have loved having a machine that automatically mounted the tires and rolled them out on a conveyor belt
Dismounting and mounting was the hard part
You hoser.
Uh-oh . . .
Doug K almost 4 years ago
… and I’m tired.
WCraft almost 4 years ago
No, it’s just that I need some fresh air.
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
That joke was funny the first day, ten years ago.
Doctor Toon almost 4 years ago
When I worked in the tire business I would have loved having a machine that automatically mounted the tires and rolled them out on a conveyor belt
Dismounting and mounting was the hard part
Herd of Turtles almost 4 years ago
You hoser.
PuppyPapa almost 4 years ago
Uh-oh . . .