"Well, he had no friends, no job and his TV was broken. If you ask me, Charlie, I'd say he was plain bored to death."
Two out of three and too much faux news caused dementia.
I thought he had a bug on his head at first
People no longer have any idea how much fun you can have on you own in a video-free world.
Apparently, brain-boring worms aren’t always fatal.
exness Premium Member 4 months ago
Two out of three and too much faux news caused dementia.
Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member 4 months ago
I thought he had a bug on his head at first
mistercatworks 4 months ago
People no longer have any idea how much fun you can have on you own in a video-free world.
gammaguy 4 months ago
Apparently, brain-boring worms aren’t always fatal.