@10/10 Is that unrelated comment really necessary? Lets not create more drama. People have stated that hev1 “says the obvious” enough times. And what does it really do? Nothing.
We had made the Big Nate comment section a happy place again, without polls or spam, but it only lasted a few days, because now an absurd controversy is arising about hev1’s comments.
{IN a dramatic narrating voice} I log on to gc, then click over to today’s comic of Big Nate. My eyes begin to read, slowly, gliding across each panel. Then in the last panel I see the big man, I’m not talking about Santa but rather SPG A mighty noise of evenly voices broke into song singing the Handels Messiah hallelujah chorus (appropriate for Christmas and this situation). I knew this day would come and I had eagler been waiting for it since the gossip series with Dee Dee. Today is the day with SPG guy!!! Let’s hope his arc is a good one!
Okay, I can’t be the only one who thinks GoComics needs to move the “Comment” button to the top of the page, right? It’s kind of annoying to have to scroll down from the comic every time I want to comment.
hev1 about 7 years ago
School Picture Guy is doing all sorts of odd jobs. It seems like he really needs the money.
ProCuber about 7 years ago
How can Gordie loan Nate out without Nate’s permission?
ProCuber about 7 years ago
@10/10 Is that unrelated comment really necessary? Lets not create more drama. People have stated that hev1 “says the obvious” enough times. And what does it really do? Nothing.
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 about 7 years ago
Is Nate getting paid?
Random Person about 7 years ago
We had made the Big Nate comment section a happy place again, without polls or spam, but it only lasted a few days, because now an absurd controversy is arising about hev1’s comments.
n8cwhite about 7 years ago
Or South, in this case
Arena Closer about 7 years ago
Nate needs to dress up to be an elf.
MR. STAPLES about 7 years ago
Ha! Nate is gonna wear a hilarious elf costume!
Hockey17 about 7 years ago
I can see where this is going! I already feel bad for Nate!
Rachel_E about 7 years ago
School Picture Guy does not look like Santa at all. And I also think that Nate should wear elf ears!
Michael G. Scott about 7 years ago
Yes!!! School Picture guy!!!!
CanadaBall about 7 years ago
Gordie=funny. Spg= funny. Add them together plus a Christmas strip and we get a (hopefully) funny arc!
JPuzzleWhiz about 7 years ago
School Picture Santa! O<|];o)
BiggerNate91 about 7 years ago
Why is everyone arguing over Hev1?
LINK_O_NEAL about 7 years ago
{IN a dramatic narrating voice} I log on to gc, then click over to today’s comic of Big Nate. My eyes begin to read, slowly, gliding across each panel. Then in the last panel I see the big man, I’m not talking about Santa but rather SPG A mighty noise of evenly voices broke into song singing the Handels Messiah hallelujah chorus (appropriate for Christmas and this situation). I knew this day would come and I had eagler been waiting for it since the gossip series with Dee Dee. Today is the day with SPG guy!!! Let’s hope his arc is a good one!
Pizza347 about 7 years ago
Okay, I can’t be the only one who thinks GoComics needs to move the “Comment” button to the top of the page, right? It’s kind of annoying to have to scroll down from the comic every time I want to comment.
Thot Patrol about 7 years ago
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CHRISTMAS ARC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CanadianCHIEF about 7 years ago
You deserved 50,000 Subscribers Peirce!
Darkstalker about 7 years ago
Hey guys! I’ve been following this comic for a while but just decided to sign up today! :D
Thot Patrol about 7 years ago
50k subs!
Boosted (Heavy main in TF2) about 7 years ago
Yay! Another series where nate works!
limenutella about 7 years ago
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
Northern side of the mall?
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
Wa wa waaa
Nyan the Cat:) over 3 years ago
aw man i wanted a longer sub arc
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
SPG as the mall santa. This is so repetitive.
STUFF ENJOYER about 1 month ago
Quite a bit, SPG does.