Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for December 09, 2017

  1. Cat29
    x_Tech  about 7 years ago

    Not sure who to vote for but my dad’s philosophy was to vote against the incumbent.

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    rfarrell17084  about 7 years ago

    the outlier

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  about 7 years ago

    “The one who’s piss on my leg most feels like rain.”

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    Cozmik Cowboy  about 7 years ago

    I almost never have anyone I can vote for – but, being sane, I always vote against Republiklans.

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    B Gibbs Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Love the elbow patch!

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  6. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 7 years ago

    The one who promises to love and care for me as if I were a beloved child and the government my devoted parent!

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    Radish...   about 7 years ago

    None of the above.

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    Daniel Jacobson  about 7 years ago

    For years, I have been advocating that at the bottom of the list of presidential candidates should be “None of the Above.” And, it should be fully counted and listed as a valid vote. I believe that it will encourage those, who would normally stay home because of the lack of real choices, to come in and give their “real vote.” Even if the majority vote “None of the Above,” the candidate, who receives the most votes would still be elected, but would be endlessly reminded that he/she has no “mandate.”

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