Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for December 25, 2017

  1. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  about 7 years ago

    “…We’re not IN North Korean Airspace…”

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  2. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member about 7 years ago

    The NORAD Santa tracker just got next year’s budget approved.

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  3. Img e0281
    joefearsnothing  about 7 years ago

    I thought Santa delivered worldwide! To believers!

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  4. Calvin
    Norman L Jones  about 7 years ago

    Leave a LARGE bag of reindeer poop for little rocket boy. Merry Christmas , Happy New year and whatever fits to all.

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    micromos  about 7 years ago

    We should all gang up and send a lump of coal to kim Jong un.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 7 years ago

    May I remind that Musk’s rocket just launched from Vandenberg was a “civilian” rocket, but one of thousands launched over the years from that site. Most, like those colorful solid fuel “Minutman” missiles we watched back in the day, were no more peaceful than Kim’s intended. Then Reagan’s MX, more accurately “Missile Expensive”, were just more proof we too are just nuts, not “MAD”.

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    heathcliff2  about 7 years ago

    Seems we now know the importance of the Arctic, especially the North Pole, being covered by the umbrella.

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    heathcliff2  about 7 years ago

    Unfortunately we often forget we find ourselves with these unwanton stones and slings because someone has begun trying to exterminate us with catapults.

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    heathcliff2  about 7 years ago

    I am glad someone hasn’t given up on us.

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  10. Victoria of prussia
    Nobody_Important  about 7 years ago

    Merry Christmas everyone!

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