Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 09, 2010

  1. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Better check for pirates, too.

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  2. Grimlock
    Colt9033  over 14 years ago

    I’d think the Pirates would counter act the Ninja thing.

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    rcerinys701  over 14 years ago

    Doc, a drunk pig is hilarious to watch. Once when I was in high school, we cleaned out the area where my grandmother stored the fruit she had canned the previous two years. We didn’t realize it had fermented. There was one big ol’ boar that was eating all he could. Wasn’t letting anybody else in. When he decided he had enough, he tried to walk between these two big oak trees. Problem was, there was only one.

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    DJGravityX  over 14 years ago

    I know people who do this gag with each other in real life. It’s cruel but extremely funny.

    And I’ve been ninja’d

    dun, dun, dun…..

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  5. Copy of dj revvie bio pic   gryphie 001
    RevvieQuar  over 14 years ago

    Oh goody, another noun turned into a verb, hehe…

    …and the decline continues, wheeee!

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  6. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    It’s fun to verb nouns and noun verbs.

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