Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for November 27, 2010

  1. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    Good Morning Vagabonds!!

    Yes, I came home today. I was dressed inappropriatly, hence I had to return home.

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  2. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    This was the first time in two decades that I was out in below freezing temperatures! I was not dressed for it, and there was more of the same ahead for the next few days.

    Couldn’t tough it out. Too old I guess?

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  3. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 14 years ago

    Good Morning to all The Village People

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  4. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 14 years ago

    Slim………you need to be real careful with that.

    You know you’re not 70 years old anymore!!!!!!!!!

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  5. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    Good morning fellow Vagabonds!

    Heck, I’m a mechanic and I can’t take the cold like I used to anymore!!!

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  6. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    leakysqueaky said:

    “Slim……….you need to be real careful with that.

    You know you’re not 70 yeares old anymore!!!!!!!!!”

    I am very much awarfe of that now, LS. I under guesstimated how cold it would be!! And while I have nice warm jackets, I didn’t take one with me! :-((((( The plan was to come back Sunday, but I was just too uncomfortable.

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  7. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    Here’s my “NAME THAT MOVIE” for today.

    Bing Crosby…..Rhonda Fleming…..William Bendix

    Time traveling, faux wizard????? 1949

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  8. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 14 years ago

    Good morning everyone!

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  9. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    Okay. Leaky’s here, and Lonewolf. VistaBill’s stuck his head in the door, so….. Where are the Ladies???

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  10. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 14 years ago

    Good morning, Everyone…….

    Slim……try A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court……and really enjoyed the romp through merry ole England!!!

    It got down to 38 in San Diego this a.m………and now it’s a balmy 51……….golly!!!!! Don’t worry, we’ll be back home by this time next week, and enjoying the 20’s and 30’s once again!!!!

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  11. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 14 years ago

    Hello to Leaky, Lonewolf, and Vista Bill…..and then, to all who will be joining as the day grows long….!

    Spent a few hours with our daughter-in-law to be trying on wedding dresses (she did, not myself………I know LS would chide me on that one!!) Anyway, this ole mom-in-law shed a few tears!!!! She will make a LOVELY bride!!!! Another dress shop tomorrow and some more gorgeous creations!!!

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  12. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    You got it, Ma’am. Haven’t seen it in decades, but it was a fun movie.

    I got the new extended version of “Avatar” Wednesday. Three disc set with three versions of the movie, plus a lot of info on the making. etc. Was going to be watching it up there in the foothills tonight, but…….. I guess I’ll have to watch it alone. :-(((

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  13. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    Well, folks, this OLD man is gonna hit the sack as soon as he has his tee. I know I’ll sleep warm, without ankle cramps and cold feet!!

    so…. good night and pleasant dreams, And wake up yet again, it’s a great way to start the day. :-)))))

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  14. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 14 years ago

    Good night, Slim,

    I’m gonna pour one more glass of Merlot, then I’ll hit the sack as well.

    See y’all tomorrow!

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  15. Curly
    painterplumber  over 14 years ago

    Good Real Morning Vagabonds.

    Wedding dresses, cold weather, old movies, wine. That covers it all. Have a good day!

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  16. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 14 years ago

    I have a movie for you.

    The stars: John Wayne, Elsa Martinelli, Red Buttons

    Takes place in Africa, title means Danger


    Now go for it.


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  17. Rick
    davidf42  over 14 years ago

    Morning everybody. Cold here, too. I’m in Marshall, Texas and the temperature is 30 deg F. We rode the Christmas Train in Jefferson last night. It was lots of fun. Then we went to see the lights in downtown Marshall. These two towns really dress up for Christmas. If you’re ever in this area in the season, I really recommend them.

    DKRAM - Without checking with IMDB, I can tell you that the name of that film was Killamanjarro. I may have misspelled it, but I remember it well. It was a fine movie.

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  18. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 14 years ago

    david42: um, that’s not the movie I’m thinking off. Nice try though.

    Have good one. \\//_

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  19. Rick
    davidf42  over 14 years ago

    Oh, wow! I can’t believe I got that wrong! I got the title mixed up with the Ernest Hemingway story, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” You’re right. I had to go to IMDB to get the name of the movie we’re talking about. Way to go, Dkram!

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  20. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 14 years ago

    dkram, that movie was “Hatari”. One of my all-time favorites. My favorite scene? When they were all driving home drunk and singing “Show Me The Way To Go Home” over their radios.

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  21. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    I know that one too, Dkram. Good movie, but not well known.

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  22. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 14 years ago

    One of our favorite movies, dkram……magnificent music by Henry Mancini. Favorite part is the opening credits with the drum beat music and the scenery as they drive along.

    However, as we watch it nowadays….one thing REALLY bothers us…..all that cigarette smoking!!!! Chain smoking ALL the time…..

     •  Reply
  23. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 14 years ago

    Yes JancinVV it is “Hatari”, and good going everyone.

    Can you imagine Steve Irwin saying, Hatari, hatari,hatari.

    Well I’m going for a “Baby Elephant Walk” see ya in the AM.


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  24. 1 5 2005 1
    shirttailslim  over 14 years ago

    Re: Today’s “PICKLES’ strip. Opal is righr on the mark.Spelling and language usage by so many today shows the lack of education shown by so many of the younger ones among the population., and not just teens. During the last two or three decades, the finding of mis-spelled words and improper syntax has become common among the general population and the media!!

    Okay, I’m done with my rant, and sorry it’s so true!?!?

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