Alert readers will note that this, like all my other Froggs, was posted in the wee hours, casting suspicion on my own ability to get enough sleep. And it’s probably true, even though I go to bed on the early side. And I am what I like to call an “efficient sleeper” and what other people might call “predisposed to exhaustion-induced coma.” But most of the time I get a fair, if not ideal, amount of sleep. (My diet is fair but not ideal, too, as is my core-strengthening routine and my time-management skills, though with that last one “fair” might be stretching things.)
But I haven’t always been even this fair-but-not-ideal with the sleep. There’s a reason I developed that efficient-sleep skill. I’ve been that idiot before, and every kind of that idiot: Chronic, sporadic, desperate, sheepish, proud and even enthusiastic. I have famously, or at least enthusiastically and repeatedly been called out by my wife, fallen asleep at a The Who concert. So I think I’m experienced enough to say, um, the researchers are right. Then again, there’s a point in the kid’s punch line.
Frazz by Jef Mallett for Jan 10, 2018 |
nosirrom about 7 years ago
If sleep is all the health news rage right now, then I’m waaaayyy ahead of the curve. Time for a nap.
Bilan about 7 years ago
If more sleep is the health news, schools need to start learning a few things.
Ceeg22 Premium Member about 7 years ago
These kids sure do whine a lot about homework
sandpiper about 7 years ago
May as well get used to it now, Kid. Your future is loaded with it, no matter where you land.
Stephen Gilberg about 7 years ago
I sure couldn’t get the recommended amount of sleep AND do my homework as a teen, even when I saved all my leisure for the weekend.
Stephen Gilberg about 7 years ago
I sure couldn’t get the recommended amount of sleep AND do my homework as a teen, even when I saved all my leisure for the weekend.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
Frazz13 hrs ·
Alert readers will note that this, like all my other Froggs, was posted in the wee hours, casting suspicion on my own ability to get enough sleep. And it’s probably true, even though I go to bed on the early side. And I am what I like to call an “efficient sleeper” and what other people might call “predisposed to exhaustion-induced coma.” But most of the time I get a fair, if not ideal, amount of sleep. (My diet is fair but not ideal, too, as is my core-strengthening routine and my time-management skills, though with that last one “fair” might be stretching things.)
But I haven’t always been even this fair-but-not-ideal with the sleep. There’s a reason I developed that efficient-sleep skill. I’ve been that idiot before, and every kind of that idiot: Chronic, sporadic, desperate, sheepish, proud and even enthusiastic. I have famously, or at least enthusiastically and repeatedly been called out by my wife, fallen asleep at a The Who concert. So I think I’m experienced enough to say, um, the researchers are right. Then again, there’s a point in the kid’s punch line.
Frazz by Jef Mallett for Jan 10, 2018 |