Dog Eat Doug by Brian Anderson for January 17, 2018

  1. Idano
    Ida No  about 7 years ago

    Four legs good, two legs bad. Meanwhile, back at the animal farm…

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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 7 years ago

    Give that dog a treat.

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  3. 124836126 10224110425805978 8584177336050280575 o
    keltii  about 7 years ago

    holdover from the harness walk a few days ago?

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  4. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Is Sophie practicing for a Happy Spring dance?

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  5. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Dont do it, Sophie!

    A few decaids of walking upright and my hips and knees feel it.

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  6. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  about 7 years ago

    I immediately thought of this!

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  7. Missing large
    banjinshiju  about 7 years ago

    Dog bodies are not designed to be bipedal. Organ arrangement is not right. Humans, on the other hand, have bodies that are seigned to be upright.

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  8. Flowers pininterest
    whenlifewassimpler  about 7 years ago

    The poodle my mom got for my sister would walk on her back legs all the time. I thought it was a poodle thing!

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