The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for February 03, 2018

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    Teddy Boy  about 7 years ago

    They know . I know my rescued companions all had permanent smiles. Especially my Border Collie (Pepsi). I have photo portraits of them all hanging on my photo gallery wall and their photos still make me smile even though they are no longer with me, the memories remain. Rescues are our saving grace, faithful and true. They are the loves of our lives. How fortunate we are to have these wonderful companions.

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    dogday Premium Member about 7 years ago

    When we rescued our LabxBorder Collie Torran (who looked a LOT like Koko), it was his third time around. He was Lab-sized with a Lab tail and had lost his homes basically because he was too much for the humans who took him. He rode him in the back seat and you never saw a more forlorn-looking creature — head down, ears down, the most crushed-looking dog I’ve ever seen, his whole body said “Here we go again, another failure waiting to happen.” When he finally realized how much he was appreciated and loved that ol’ lab tail began wreaking its havoc and the grin was from (no longer flat) ear to ear. He loved his people loving him!

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    BWR  about 7 years ago

    Our rescues have been from the streets. It might take years for some of them, but knowing the change they’ve seen, and seeing them realize that they can snuggle up with us and get loved on for the first time in years, or maybe ever, is an amazing feeling.

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    Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny  about 7 years ago

    I love these stories. They make my day brighter. There’s nothing quite like a dog person.

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    whenlifewassimpler  about 7 years ago

    We had two rescue dogs and loved them so so much. Our other two we had were were a Lab (yellow) and Rhodesian Ridgeback and loved them all….miss having one now…

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    whenlifewassimpler  about 7 years ago

    We had two rescue dogs and loved them so so much. Our other two we had were were a Lab (yellow) and Rhodesian Ridgeback and loved them all….miss having one now…

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    dgmiller  about 7 years ago

    Last year, when our good, old Kula passed away, we went to the shelter (lots of loud, steady barking!), but along a quieter aisle, we saw a little white bundle huddled up against the cage mesh. I reached in, scratched behind the ears, and that was it!

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    Thehag  about 7 years ago

    I have a very hard time understanding how people can just adopt a dog without planning and learning about the type they are getting and then just take them back when the poor creature doesn’t meet their expectations. It just so irresponsible, thoughtless and entitled. Think about it first! There are always consequences when you bring a new life into your home, whether it is a plant, a dog/cat/other animal/fish or a baby/child. You learn how to take care of it, you commit. Then reap the benefits of this addition to your life.

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