Views of the World by Cartoon Movement-US for November 06, 2010

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 13 years ago

    HQ demands: ”Hey where is the outcry and condemnation of Muslims?All Muslims? Well, we could start with the cartoon you just read although I’m sure Stavro’s comment isn’t as generalised as yours.

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  2. Missing large
    glenbeck  over 13 years ago

    @ omQ R

    My guess is you are Muslim or Arabic. You seem to have an idea that criticism of Muslims is intolerance or ignorance of the diversity in said group. By my experience even the most moderate Muslims do not understand other cultures or tolerate other customs as much as the claim theirs should be.

    @ HARLEYquinn:

    Their is Muslims that feel the same way about Christians, Most are not extremist and live outside of the mid-east. Some are just as apathetic about religion as a liberal in America. But you are right…no protest, no you-tube video by a cleric denouncing the actions of the booming,,,no Fatwa put on the assailants…no Muslim commentator on CNN investigating for justice.

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  3. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 13 years ago

    glenbeck suggested: ”My guess is you are Muslim or Arabic” Sure, why not, it’s as good a guess as any. Would it matter?

    My opinion of Muslims rates about the same as for Christians or most other religions: a meh. Criticise a religion all you want, so long as it’s fair comment. Be harsh with fundamentalists all you want, they are fair game by their very nature of being intransigent.

    The trouble with your blanket condemnation of an entire religion and their followers is that it is based on the actions of a few. Likewise others may view all Christians by the actions of a very vocal hate-spewing few amongst them. They are here on this forum as well. Your generalised ire of Muslims is precisely the intention of the terrorist provocateurs. You are led like sheep towards visceral hatred of everything Muslim. Terrorists like Bin Laden need the friction to fuel the fire. Your hatred in turn serves as an example to recruit more fundamentalists to their “cause” as they show disaffected peoples how Christians “really are”. And so the vicious cycle turns.

    As I pointed out elsewhere, just because you do not read, or hear or see criticisms of terrorist actions by others holding the same faith as the fundamentalist terrorists do, in your language, does not mean it doesn’t happen. Despite press censorship in many countries across the world, it does.

    The irony is that we are discussing this under the auspices of a cartoon by a Lebanese.

    ”By my experience even the most moderate Muslims do not understand other cultures or tolerate other customs as much as the claim theirs should be.” You do realise that your comment fits your own description?

    “Their is Muslims” “of the booming,,,”

    Hmmm, judging by your slips in the English language, I’d guess you’re a recent immigrant. 7 generations, was it? However, overall, I commend you on your good grasp of a different language. :-|

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  4. Missing large
    glenbeck  over 13 years ago

    omQ R:

    If anything; sarcasm is not beyond you, is it ? If someone has anger issues you are the last person id suspect of it.. Recent immigrant? no..just a dyslexic that does not bother with spell check…The fact that my post irate both you and HQ is amusing.

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  5. Missing large
    glenbeck  over 13 years ago

    omQ R:

    Did you read my post to HQ?

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  6. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 13 years ago

    ^ Me, irritated? Nah. And, yes, I did read your reply. The gist of my post was more aimed at HQ, I didn’t make it clear. Did you read my reply to you both? While you did try say to HQ both religions have people who have similar views of the other, you still state a very broad generalisation which displayed the very same characteristic you were judging all Muslims on (and you include all liberals in another). That broad generalisation continues with your agreeing with HQ that because you did not see any condemnation, it did not occur. It somehow escaped the two of you that we were discussing this on a cartoon by a Lebanese. (Did you read the interview fennec provided?) And we have something in common, I have dyscalculia.

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  7. Old bear
    T Gabriel Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Of course I am sure very few of you know that France has taken in over 50 if the casualties of the bombings. They have offered to take as many as 150. What has our government offered?

    ” ”

    Thought so. We start bloody revolutions and then run from the consequences.

    Additionally, what about your condemnation of the Pakistan mosque bombing? What about your condemnation of the bomber who just detonated in Baghdad?

    It must be frustrating in the extreme to be the way you are. A few, tens of people actually, not whole populatios, commit these atrocities and you are all fired up that no one in “their world” speaks up about it. This nonsense coming from citizens of a country where they can actually speak up. Given the totalitarian kinds of governments the Middle East entertain, it is no surpris no one there speaks up about it.

    But since we are silent for the most part regarding the terror attacks of the thugs in the Middle East countries on their own citizens why should we think those folks would speak out regarding things that happen to rogue religions.

    And, glenbeck. You are not dyslexic. You are just lazy. There is a difference, you know. You said it yourself that you wouldn’t bother trying to actually communicate ideas in a sensible fashion. No, glenbeck, you are just a lazy mutt with a computer and a place in his mother’s basement where he can lounge around every day being the village idiot.

    You are an insult to dyslexics.

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