If they can’t paint abstract concepts, how did they paint the little girl’s love of puppies in the previous strip? They could have painted her already playing with a puppy, but that would have ended up with two puppies.
I’m already thinking of all the consequences of having a little girl just appear out of nowhere.
Army_Nurse over 6 years ago
if only…
Ida No over 6 years ago
Love is ice cream. All the rest of that stuff is what love isn’t. But, it’s a nice first start.
Buck B over 6 years ago
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy ice cream which is pretty much the same thing.
Yngvar Følling over 6 years ago
If they can’t paint abstract concepts, how did they paint the little girl’s love of puppies in the previous strip? They could have painted her already playing with a puppy, but that would have ended up with two puppies.
I’m already thinking of all the consequences of having a little girl just appear out of nowhere.