From somewhere, a lonnnnnggg ttimme ago:One bright morning in the middle of the nightTwo dead boys went out to fightThey faced each other back to backAnd drew their swords and shot each otherIf you don’t believe my story, then ask the blind manHe saw it all!
oldpine52 almost 7 years ago
Cream pies at 10 paces.
docforbin almost 7 years ago
I bet the name of one of the clowns is Aaron Burr (anyone who’s seen a particular “Got Milk?” commercial will know what I mean).
Stevefk almost 7 years ago
Everybody thought Bozo and Clarabell at first were just clowning around but then it came down to this!
jbduncan almost 7 years ago
Post NRA era in America.
WCraft Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Pie? This is one time I’d wish for them to bring in the “seconds!”
MissScarlet Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Gonna be messy!
jivanimark almost 7 years ago
Brought to you by The Soupy Sales foundation. May he rest in pie-ce!
syzygy47 almost 7 years ago
“When pies are outlawed, only outlaws will have pies”
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 7 years ago
From somewhere, a lonnnnnggg ttimme ago:One bright morning in the middle of the nightTwo dead boys went out to fightThey faced each other back to backAnd drew their swords and shot each otherIf you don’t believe my story, then ask the blind manHe saw it all!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
This would make a GREAT gag for a circus. If it hasn’t already been done.