Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for November 14, 2010

  1. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  over 14 years ago

    All wars should be conducted that way.

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  2. Th lovelywaterfall
    LittleSister18  over 14 years ago

    Future Biography:

    The Short Life of Sir Rodney.

    That’ll happen when King Fink gets done with him.

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  3. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 14 years ago


    I agree. Inform the Republicans. Since, for the high majority of the time, when we are at war, they are in office.

    Note: Obama’s trying to end the two we are in now.

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    hlagallah  over 14 years ago

    Viet Nam Lyndon Baines Johnson World War Two Franklin Delano Roosevelt Korean War Harry Truman World War one Woodrow Wilson Mexican-American War James K Polk

    War on terror George W Bush Gulf War George HW Bush Spanish-American War McKinley Civil War Lincoln

    Dems 5 Republicans 4

    btw Viet Nam ended while Nixon was in office

    notice all had congressional approval

    If one soldier does not make it home, the operation is a failure – paraphrased from an interview with Gen H. Norman Shwarzkopf

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    BigChiefDesoto  over 14 years ago

    pouncingtiger, you better look where you’re pouncing before you fall into a manure pit!

    All through the 20th century, the Republicans were very proud of the fact that every war in that century had been started with a Democrat in office!

    As for your note, NOT very hard Obama isn’t! By this time in Richard Nixon’s first term he had more than half the troops that that SOB Johnson had sent to Vietnam back OUT of Vietnam, and by the end of Nixon’s first term he had virtually ended the war that JOHNSON started! There were about 550,000 troops in Vietnam when Nixon got elected and by his first midterm elections he had them down to about 200,000.

    And this was when we were fighting a credible enemy instead of ten terrorists who didn’t have anything to do with Iraq!

    Remember, the Vietnam war was JOHNSON’s war. It was NIXON who ended it.

    Now shrub, I’ll admit was a disaster, and VERY untypical of the Republicans up to that time!

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    GreatEighthSin  over 14 years ago

    @Hla I see what you did there. Nice job combining two wars into one. Sorry, Iraq and Afghanistan are separate. Also they are the most costly, longest running, and most unnecessary after the first 2 years in Afghanistan, and first 6 months in Iraq. Long live the Republican Dominion…

    Too bad wars can’t be fought like this. Though, I’d say that each side brings their most brilliant people to the game and plays something based on scientific knowledge and strategy.

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  7. Andy
    Sandfan  over 14 years ago

    I went to a comic strip and a political convention broke out. I’d love to get involved in the discussion, but is this the appropriate place?

    I’m as guilty of this as anyone else, so where could we all meet to yell and cuss at each other about war, history and politics without boring the people who just want to read a comic strip?

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  8. Griefers gunna grief
    cats32  over 14 years ago

    What the? that makes no sense.

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    fogey  over 14 years ago

    There are some really good comments here, totally in line with the perspectives of King Fink. If we can’t see the humor, we might not be prepared to go into the next war. The Mexican-American War was so objectionable that Ulysses S. Grant almost resigned his commission, and now Arizona police are expected to question Hispanic-looking people whose ancestors might have lived here when Mexico still owned Texas. Vietnam and Iraq most notably were approved by Congress based on outright lies by our Presidents - and the Spanish-American War was started by a newspaper. Possibly the failure of public schools to teach History is a good thing for our national resolve.

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  10. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 14 years ago

    OK, you Reps won that point. I’ll “Man up.”

    In my defense, I didn’t say “start” the war. Also, there’s a difference between going to a “necessary” (i.e. Civil War, WWII) war and an “unnecessary” (i.e. Iraq (WMDs?) war.

    In conclusion, this country needs to find alternate solutions without going to war (no matter which political party is in office).

    I know Veteran’s Day has passed. I’d like to say thanks to all the soldiers past and present.

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    gavorcik  over 14 years ago

    As far as ww2 goes it does not mater who was in office. Dem or Rep. we were hit by Japan were we just to sit and say oh well and act as nothing happened?

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    scrabblefiend  over 14 years ago

    War stinks. Just think of all the money spent on guns, etc. And yet our country is hurting with poor schools, children going hungry to bed, homeless people. In the past few months, we authorized spending 35 BILLION dollars for Afghanistan. What a difference this money would have made if it were spent on fixing the problems in our own country. We can’t be the world’s policemen.

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  13. 36238pevo w
    cheetahqueen  over 14 years ago

    @Lil’ Sis Be Bad. …actually a better book title would be:

    “The Short Life of King Fink”

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    A: I agree that Rock, Paper, Scissors is the best way to conduct our wars.

    B: Regarding the wars, we should note that Wilson (no great president in any way) tried to stay out and did for most of that war. The U-Boot attacks forced his hand.

    With World War II - love or hate FDR, and whether or not you think he wanted in - we were attacked by a country that declared war on us. And then the Germans declared war on us. He was a Democrat but did not invade another country.

    Oh, and let’s not forget Operation Just Cause in Panama. It was very brief, but invading another country and deposing its leader (dictator) ought to qualify as a war.

    Hey, I just realized, that’s two wars for GHW Bush and two wars for GW Bush.

    The bigger question is, which wars were started by us?

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    Wiseguy411  over 14 years ago


    “War is not healthy for Children and other living things” Vietnam Era Poster

    BTW Big Chief DeSoto, as pointed out by Nabuquduriuzhur, US involvement in Vietnam began in 1958. Eisenhower. Republican …

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    madmikex2  over 14 years ago

    Nixon’s Head in 2012!!

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    hlagallah  over 14 years ago

    I missed the target

    My point: give blame and credit where it is due

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    magnamax  over 14 years ago

    Blame the dems, blame the reps, but look at us! We can’t even read the comics without fighting.

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    Phil (full phname Philip Philop)  over 7 years ago

    Now we know what Id would look like on a map.

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