Scenes from a Multiverse by Jon Rosenberg for September 18, 2019

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    Space_cat  over 5 years ago

    Their rabidity almost constitutes a sexual violence…

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    pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago

    While the cartoon is insulting to vast numbers of reasonable gun-lovers, on the other hand, I think I’ve met these guys.

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    CathodeRay  over 5 years ago

    The part about gun ownership that is never mentioned is that it is part of one’s fundamental right to be secure in one’s person. Responsible possession of a firearm provides each individual with the means to maintain control of their immediate environment when faced with a threat. Preventing the law-abiding from owning the means of protecting themselves and others places them at the mercy of an aggressor (or aggressors) who are stronger, bigger or more willing to commit violence for any number of reasons. Disarm the public and they become prey to gangs who will readily use force to get what they want. If in doubt, look to the ‘successful’ gun control measures employed in California, Illinois, and other bastions of statism and compare their violent crime statistics to states that have shall carry and open carry legislation on the books. While this might be a simplification, also compare the violent crime rates for states with high taxes and large, social safety nets (welfare, unemployment payouts, large state pensions, etc.) and sanctuary cities to those that do not possess these hallmarks of ‘enlightened’ progressivism.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 5 years ago

    This cartoon is every thought Louie Gohmert has ever had.

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    DavidGeyer  over 5 years ago

    Guess I won’t be reading this cartoon anymore. Too bad. The guy has a vivid imagination.

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