Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for March 07, 2018

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Sounds to me like you don’t want to know.

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  2. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 7 years ago

    Boy does this scenario sound very familiar. I believe I’ll cut this one out of tomorrow’s paper and hang it on the fridge (where everyone will ignore it.)

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  3. Don martin 1
    Farside99  about 7 years ago

    We have a magnet on the front of the dishwasher that can get switched from “Dirty” to “Clean”. It works if you remember to switch it…and if you remember to look at it.

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    suv2000  about 7 years ago
    he’s too lazy to put themUp if they are clean
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    DM2860  about 7 years ago

    Every time my mother in law came over, she would empty the dishwasher for us. Did not matter if they were clean or dirty because with her prescription, she could not tell. We were glad that she did not even want to drive.

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    comics guy 47  almost 7 years ago

    My system – if the dishwasher is latched closed, then they are clean (has been run and needs to be emptied). If not latched, dirty (in the process of being filled).

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