I’m old enough to remember the free sample box arriving in the mail. It came on a day when I had to go in to the dentist for a filling. Which meant we had this obviously sweet and delicious cereal come on a day when I couldn’t eat it because of the filling! But, boy, I made up for it by eating it until I got sick (no, not literally) of it and my mother started buying something else. The process took MONTHS!
Templo S.U.D. almost 7 years ago
“YOWCH!!” indeed. (Would Phoebe enjoy this cereal? Also, reminds me of Kusty-Os with a jagged, bladed piece.)
Dirty Dragon almost 7 years ago
“They’re magically sharp and rusty!”
kraftjeff almost 7 years ago
But Captain Crunch has been breaking teeth and chewing up mouths since the dawn of time….
Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I’m old enough to remember the free sample box arriving in the mail. It came on a day when I had to go in to the dentist for a filling. Which meant we had this obviously sweet and delicious cereal come on a day when I couldn’t eat it because of the filling! But, boy, I made up for it by eating it until I got sick (no, not literally) of it and my mother started buying something else. The process took MONTHS!
Nate England almost 7 years ago
This is why I don’t eat Grape-nuts, which my friend swore are just passed gall stones.
Julie478 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Charlie Tuba almost 7 years ago
But shouldn’t the horn be made of marshmallow and soft.
Charlie Tuba almost 7 years ago
St. Patrick’s Day is this week (Saturday).