New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for March 17, 2018

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 7 years ago

    Don’t trust anyone who doesn’t drink.

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    scpandich  about 7 years ago

    Mitt Romney retired from Bain Capital in 2002, but, hey, let’s not let facts get in the way of a good libeling, right?

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    dukedoug  about 7 years ago

    Hey, this is America … Why have kids play with toy guns when you can let them loose with real guns ?

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  4. Chief wahoo
    aerotica69  about 7 years ago

    Oh, just plug the brats into multi-media at birth and do away with all traditional toys.

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  5. Piggy2
    Greyhame  about 7 years ago

    Bain doesn’t FORCE anything on anyone. Bain is a failure management firm that PARTNERS with company that is already failing and re-organizes it for the most profitable outcome. They have a rather high rate for getting the company back on its feet. The employees are generally better off than if the company just closed its doors.

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  6. Me sarcastic never 2
    alien011  about 7 years ago

    Actually, Bain did a good thing. Toys’R’Us was maybe the worst toy dealer in the world, with absolutely zero social conscience. Not only did they pay almost no taxes (they were registered in Delaware, US, one of the worst tax havens in the world, their central was in New Jersey), often enough the toys and baby equipment was toxic, because they didn’t give a sh*t about production standards in their delivery chains.

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  7. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 7 years ago

    1. Bain is a minority partner.2. Romney has been gone from Bain for more than a decade.3. The purchase by Bain, Vornado and KKR saved the company from closing 10 years ago. That’s 30,000 plus jobs extended for all those years. 30,000 people who would have been unemployed then (shrinking job market) instead of now (growing job market).

    I realize that you like to take shots at politicians you don’t like, but please do try to include a shred of fact here and there when you do it.

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  8. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 7 years ago

    back when i was married, the best gift i ever gave to my grandsons…when they were like 7 and 6…was a toys’r’us gift card….that was so cool when we took them to redeem….

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  9. 37cdc61d 2dfd 4a3c 9796 a93e73f76317
    MCProfessor  about 7 years ago

    The real reason Toys’r’us went bankrupt was that it could not compete with on-line toy sellers like Amazon.

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