Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for April 30, 2018

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Looks like another raw, rainy day with temp about 50.Then up to the upper 60’s and low 70’s.

    Going to be a somewhat busy day today.Barbara has a eye test at 9:30 this morning, then she wants to go to several stores. Early afternoon she has some one coming to cut her hair, then, because it’s her 88th birthday, we will be going out for dinner. Not that we will be out too late.

    May everyone have a good day also.

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    Dkram  almost 7 years ago

    Happy Monday morning Vagabonds

    Coming back from NH yesterday afternoon there was a mix of rain and snow and last night it out right snowed. More of that poor man’s fertilizer.

    Not doing much today just hanging out hoping to here about my drive shaft so I can go four wheeling. :-)

    That’s it, God bless and have a really nice day.


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  3. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 7 years ago

    Good Rainy morning, Vagabonds,

    April showers bring May flowers!! Can’t wait for those wild flowers!

    Arthur, your wonderful Bride is turning 88 today!! How marvelous! Give her an extra hug from me.

    Still haven’t started the laundry from the trip. We’re both still sick from the colds we picked up from the Kiddos. I’m sure glad we both did all our extra laundry before the trip. We at least have something to wear now.

    My new avatar shows the snow still left in an area north of Butte.

    xoxoxox Happy Trails.

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  4. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Arthur, the tower itself is 226 feet tall, but the top is at 600 feet above sea level, and as I said yesterday, a spectacular view.

    Buddy is gone. The final straw was this morning when I was sitting on the couch and he jumped up beside me and peed on the other arm rest with me sitting right there. We took him to the Lake County Animal Shelter where they weren’t going to take him until Michael lied and told them he hit Buddy to punish him. Then they couldn’t take him in fast enough. The looks of disgust we got were awful. I am grieving for him every bit as much as I did with Blaze. I hope he finds a new home with a stable place for him to call home. He apparently just couldn’t handle the travel. I don’t think Pinto understands. He’s looking for Buddy all over, inside and out. And now Michael wants to try again with another cat. We are both agreed that we will adopt a kitten this time rather than an adult. It seems we always have this kind of problem when we adopt an adult animal, cat or dog. Just bad luck I guess.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  5. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Arthur, happy birthday to Barbara, may you both enjoy a very blessed day.

    Jann, sorry to hear that you had to let buddy go. I know how hard it is to let go once you have brought them into your life.

    Well we are enjoying our 3rd day of sunshine in a row. :) It is 80 out right now and it is a great day to be working in the yard.

    Everyone have a beautiful day.

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