When I was a console operator at the now-closed Miami Space Transit Planetarium, there were a few occasions when I ran a star show for an audience of one. (I didn’t have to worry about “shush”-ing them if they talked during the shows [which they never did], because if they did, there were no other audience members whom they could disturb…)
pekenpug almost 7 years ago
The smaller the crowd, the better, Horace. And if no one at all shows up, you can go home!
BlueFin Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Has never been very popular lecturing “The snow plowing techniques used in Roman Empire main road Via Appia.”
Argythree almost 7 years ago
Disappointing that such a small number showed up. If Horace came to speak in my town, I’d certainly go. Who ever heard of a talking horse, of course…
chris_weaver almost 7 years ago
It’s a ninja audience!
blackshire almost 7 years ago
When I was a console operator at the now-closed Miami Space Transit Planetarium, there were a few occasions when I ran a star show for an audience of one. (I didn’t have to worry about “shush”-ing them if they talked during the shows [which they never did], because if they did, there were no other audience members whom they could disturb…)
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 7 years ago
It’s a balanced audience.