Skin Horse by Shaenon K. Garrity and Jeffrey C. Wells for April 03, 2018

  1. Idano
    Ida No  almost 7 years ago

    So, what DOES HGB say about how to have a hot date, and who should be goblin who?

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  2. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Not just smooches, but snickers-flavored smooches!

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  3. Lp
    LizardPriest  almost 7 years ago

    Wow, this is just like the Twilight saga, but without the teenage gir, just the necrophilia and beastiality.

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  4. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I’f its not sitting on the couch, watching movies or playing video games, I’m sure i don’t want to know.

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  5. V2
    Willywise52 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Has Babe had her shots?For that matter,Unity too?

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  6. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 7 years ago

    What is this thing called half a snickers? I didn’t know that was possible.

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  7. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 7 years ago

    Are the bases essentially the same with cross species romances? Does the variance in parts dictate a larger infield with more bases, or are they simply clustered on the same number of bases? Maybe the game of twister is a more apt metaphor here….

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