C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for April 09, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    And what is exactly is Donna’s true self?

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    I think “empty vessel” is Donna’s true self.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 16 years ago

    “I dunno….”–the credo of Donnaism!

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  4. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  almost 16 years ago

    Brainlesss Donna - that’s better.

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  5. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Honesty, the best policy.

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  6. Patches 0001
    AliKzam  almost 16 years ago

    It looks as though Donna just discovered there’s a speech bubble over her head.

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  7. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  almost 16 years ago

    I was gonna say airhead, maybe she should be blonde? Is there a regulation against Martial Blondes?

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  8. Picture
    MichelleZProvencher  over 6 years ago

    Silliness to follow regarding Doona’s supreme ditziness. CAUTION.

    Donna wil have to wach opin displayz of mty…emty…e..m…P…t…y-headdness or airhededness and awl brainlessnes. We have strinj…stringn…tuff reqwirementz for membrship in our org: B.I.M.B.O…O…W…Z…BIMB00WZ! Yay!!-thatz how we spel that if we spelld thingieys, like, um, like, some kind of braney nurd, pssh, as if, so hush!-BIMbohwz BOObing itup everyWhereZ!!! Donna wil have to die her hair at least too a light brown-blonde a caramel blonde golden-beige blonde or chestnut blonde or she wil totaly be hearing from owr men in suitz an briefscases! Of corse she needz mor makup jewlry and way mor reveeling clothz to.

    Frum owr totes Offishul BIMBOOWZ Charter:“Speaking for all the Blonde Bimbowes out there, we are staring blankly at stough…if somewhat cluelesslee, totally bringing the best in Blonde airheadedness to U!” To like, ummmm, gobble up? the knoHn AND UNKNOhN limits of notty…nawty?…slutty Barbee Dollyz-an junk! That last bits important! Duh! :D You just don’t know what you don’t know until you don’t know it! Or, uh, like, SOMEthin like that…Tee-hee!(1)

    Frum owr Bored of Direcktors:“Wherever Candee-Coatd Trofy Dollyz is, like, needed, um, we totaly have a gurl working on the sityouation right now! Now, she may not be our best woman, O.K., she may not have the Biggest Titz, Cutest But or the Shortest Skurt, we have a lot of area to cover, Duh!, but someone from our staff is on the seen!!”(3)

    (1) Addvice frum owr men in suitz and briefz too me: “Shure, Titz, why not?”

    (3) Addvice frum owr men in briefs to the Bored: “Really?”

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