Grading is a hard part of being a teacher. Do you grade on what they’ve learned to get along in life, or do you grade on what they’ve been taught just to pass a test?
A professor chum of mine once told me he graded on the “stair” plan. He’d toss the papers down the stairs, and the ones that landed on one step got As, another step Bs and so on… ;-D
Having taught for many years, I have found that the greatest thing in life is the occasional young adult who seeks you out and tells you something that you did for him/her, or something you said, that they will never forget.
I might have made a difference in .01 of one percent of my students’ lives. But it’s okay. I got a chance to make a difference.
The misting of her glasses as she lapses into an acknowledgement of her existential dread and impotence. Not so much “ha-ha funny” as “yikes, put down the straight razor, teacher!”
If you teach, as a job or as a volunteer, and ‘feel powerless to change their path’, get out of there now because you will NOT make a change. That is THE JOB of a teacher, and you will have failed at it.
I hate how the “featured comment” is whatever got the most replies so inevitably somebody who says something awful and/or insane and has 18 people arguing in their replies is at the top
31768 over 6 years ago
Think one thing……. Then say another!
Lovely over 6 years ago
I have a teacher friend who would love this.
scpandich over 6 years ago
I don’t know… grading CAN be a soul-crushing experience.
drogers30 over 6 years ago
I have figured out why I am having a problem with this strip the characters have no expressions they are walking around like zombies
coratelli over 6 years ago
The head of Nancy in this strip is horrible.
blunebottle over 6 years ago
I have a funny feeling this is very true of what goes through the minds of a lot of teachers.
katina.cooper over 6 years ago
Grading is a hard part of being a teacher. Do you grade on what they’ve learned to get along in life, or do you grade on what they’ve been taught just to pass a test?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago
A professor chum of mine once told me he graded on the “stair” plan. He’d toss the papers down the stairs, and the ones that landed on one step got As, another step Bs and so on… ;-D
philipwissbeck over 6 years ago
It seems that Nancy has a new author.
lovelymajorhoople over 6 years ago
Nancy’s teacher can make her eyeballs disappear-neat trick
Max Starman Jones over 6 years ago
Having taught for many years, I have found that the greatest thing in life is the occasional young adult who seeks you out and tells you something that you did for him/her, or something you said, that they will never forget.
I might have made a difference in .01 of one percent of my students’ lives. But it’s okay. I got a chance to make a difference.
jrankin1959 over 6 years ago
DON’T. Get. Me. Started…
MJ Premium Member over 6 years ago
Vanishing pupils! I wish I could do that with my eyes. It would really freak people out.
herefornancy over 6 years ago
The misting of her glasses as she lapses into an acknowledgement of her existential dread and impotence. Not so much “ha-ha funny” as “yikes, put down the straight razor, teacher!”
newyorkslim over 6 years ago
Kip W over 6 years ago
I like how the artist represents a character’s momentary retreat into a mental reverie.
1MadHat Premium Member over 6 years ago
If you teach, as a job or as a volunteer, and ‘feel powerless to change their path’, get out of there now because you will NOT make a change. That is THE JOB of a teacher, and you will have failed at it.
1004mike over 6 years ago
The same butt ugly artwork and the same bland teacher. I’m outta here.
jetsers over 6 years ago
This one is great. I love the teacher character and can’t wait to see more.Keep up the great work Olivia.
JLG Premium Member over 6 years ago
This hit it outta the park. Dark, introspective humor at its piercing best. Is it NANCY? Not necessarily, but it sure hit a strong note. =)
LochNessMonster over 6 years ago
I hate how the “featured comment” is whatever got the most replies so inevitably somebody who says something awful and/or insane and has 18 people arguing in their replies is at the top
We has seen the enemy about 6 years ago
Perhaps this should be moved to the Political section?