Bad Machinery by John Allison for July 19, 2018

  1. Large thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 6 years ago

    See what you did, Lottie? Now she’s crossing her arms again.

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    Christopher Shea  over 6 years ago

    Re the first panel: Lynx is the British brand name for Axe, a scent that anyone who has spent time around teenage boys should be familiar with.

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    scyphi26  over 6 years ago

    See, they’re in a very delicate state right now, Shauna, they have to be handled very carefully and their natural habitats left undisturbed as much as possible…

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  4. Twin commander 1000 ext
    MeanBob Premium Member over 6 years ago

    When I had teenagers, Labs and Alsations there weren’t many smells that would make me gag after a while.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    Strangely the boys seem to be taller than the girls, but girls develop first. I got to see it in grade school when I made note of it to myself.

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