AJ and Magnus by Bryan and Simon Steel for May 10, 2018

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    Baarorso  almost 7 years ago

    I’d hoped they would return to this. It should be an interesting story arc.

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    Baarorso  almost 7 years ago

    The poor little fella has GOT to be the victim of severe bullying. I know from first hand that when you are bullied a lot, you develop MAJOR trust issues and simply CANNOT fathom people being nice and friendly to you and not wanting to put a knife in your back.

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  3. Lemontong p1
    Kwen  almost 7 years ago

    You’re not the one with a problem. This poor lonely fellow doesn’t looks like he knows how to be friend with anybody . What a sad face.. don’t push it, but don’t stop trying! I’m sure Magnus could be a big help. Animals are usually very good for children like this!

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    Jym Shipman Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I see a story about to be told.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    This is very interesting. To me it keeps reading like the kid is hearing impaired. I say this because he has no noticeable reactions at all to AJ. I guess the exception is the blue triangles in panel three. But, I was taking those as an indication that he thought of something he had to do which lead into him getting up from the table.

    Interesting thing is that if the kid is hearing impaired, you would think he would have some sort of device that he wore to assist in some fashion even if only to better FEEL sounds as vibration so he would recognize when others may be nearby and trying to interact.

    I know that there are some folks who are of the mindset that deafness need not be assisted in any fashion, but it seems in most such situations where parents may feel that way, they usually have their kids in a primarily deaf culture community. Parents who tend to want their hearing impaired kids in a more holistic, diverse school usually also encourage the use of various aids and assisting devices for their kids.

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  6. Lemontong p1
    Kwen  almost 7 years ago

    Being hearing impaired doesn’t make you leave suddently the table with your half eaten lunch…

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    Vincent Wright  almost 7 years ago

    Maybe he doesn’t speak English.

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    MeghanRyan1  almost 7 years ago

    I would like to make a note to everyone using the term “hearing impaired”. That term is outdated and is considered offensive to deaf people. Instead, please use either deaf or hard of hearing. Thank you.

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    AaronD  almost 7 years ago

    I hate to assume the worst—or that everything’s gay-related when obviously there are plenty of story lines that don’t feature queer issues. But I’m betting his parents told him he’s not allowed to speak to “that boy with the two dads.”

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    pcolli  almost 7 years ago

    Some people are happy being the way they are.

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    glowing-steak32  over 6 years ago

    Um, not to?

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