Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for May 15, 2018

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Impressive Rita has the “greatness” (Avengers movie stated protocol) to handle the Gauntlet. Very impressive.

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    Holilubillkori Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Who’s Romy? Code for a roomba….

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    cabalonrye  almost 7 years ago

    Why fight over it? Just tell her that there’s a new better version that (insert name of powerful man) loves to see on a woman’s fist, hand her over a toy glove and voila.

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    corpcasselbury  almost 7 years ago

    Wait a minute! If Andromeda uses her powers to restore Dana and Rita, that means we’ll have another Adam Sandler movie; is it worth paying so high a price to have them back (especially Rita)?!

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  5. Nick danger small
    Nick Danger  almost 7 years ago

    All that needs to be done is for Jay to pick up the gauntlet and use it to restore everyone (well, everyone he wants too)…

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    ViscountNik  almost 7 years ago

    Pick up the gauntlet.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    At least the world is safe now

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  8. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 7 years ago

    Everything will be fine. Just don’t open any windows… or turn on any fans… or vacuums… and let’s keep the brooms in the closet for a while, okay?

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    In the end, there can be only… none?

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    rekam  almost 7 years ago

    I was away for a week and this is what I came back to. So glad I was able to go back to the 9th and work my way forward. Would have hated to actually miss any of this, guys.

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Be careful. Spring is when a lot of allergies pop up. It would be a bad time for anyone to start sneezing. (Or would it be like the end of the 1966 Batman movie?)

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