I suggested to the state reps in VA partnering with Starbucks, Taco Bell, Dunkin’, etc to offer a coupon to voters instead of an “I Voted” sticker. I was told it’s illegal to offer anything as an incentive to vote. I’m trying to get that changed to “to vote for a particular person” but so far no luck. Stupid law though.
Mandatory voting in all elections at every level. Election Day synchronized at all levels. Election Day a national holiday on a regular working day with mandatory time off. Emergency workers and similar essential personnel automaticaly get to vote early. Anybody who needs help voting gets it whether by early voting, absentee ballot, or whatever’s needed. All elections run by a non-partisan independent commission like Elections Canada. Fines for not voting deducted from any benefit you receive or added onto your taxes. All paid political messaging in all media allowed only during a sixty-day window before Election Day; you can talk all you want on whatever media you like, but the media can’t run your message on a pay-per-message basis except during that window. The right to vote to be absolute; no citizen can be barred from voting at any level for any reason whatsoever.
ACK! Premium Member over 6 years ago
They’re only free before the election. Afterward the cost goes way up.
Nyckname over 6 years ago
There has been talk in the past about using door prizes or raffles to increase turn-out.
jarvisloop over 6 years ago
This is the best “In the Bleachers” comic I have ever seen.
Masterskrain over 6 years ago
Well, we already HAVE a “bubblehead” in the white house, so…
Milady Meg over 6 years ago
I suggested to the state reps in VA partnering with Starbucks, Taco Bell, Dunkin’, etc to offer a coupon to voters instead of an “I Voted” sticker. I was told it’s illegal to offer anything as an incentive to vote. I’m trying to get that changed to “to vote for a particular person” but so far no luck. Stupid law though.
ajakimber425 over 6 years ago
Yeah, that’s a way to get people to show up at the poles, unfortunately!
bartour over 6 years ago
So sad that voting not 90% turnout. I commend all those that try to make it easier, like mail-in voting or rides to vote.
rugeirn over 6 years ago
Mandatory voting in all elections at every level. Election Day synchronized at all levels. Election Day a national holiday on a regular working day with mandatory time off. Emergency workers and similar essential personnel automaticaly get to vote early. Anybody who needs help voting gets it whether by early voting, absentee ballot, or whatever’s needed. All elections run by a non-partisan independent commission like Elections Canada. Fines for not voting deducted from any benefit you receive or added onto your taxes. All paid political messaging in all media allowed only during a sixty-day window before Election Day; you can talk all you want on whatever media you like, but the media can’t run your message on a pay-per-message basis except during that window. The right to vote to be absolute; no citizen can be barred from voting at any level for any reason whatsoever.
Herb L 1954 over 6 years ago
Polish dancers wanted?
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 6 years ago
Whatever it takes – just vote!