My brother and sister (7 and 6 years younger than I, respectively) used to eat peanut butter, miracle whip, cheese, bologna and jelly sandwiches… with pickles if we had any. Unfortunately, I’d end up having to make them sometimes… talk about NASTY! But, they loved them and ate them for years… from the age of about 3 or 4 up until they were teenagers if I remember correctly.
Die Barney about 4 years ago
Ima juicy snack about 4 years ago
Thats big brain
Izzadora about 4 years ago
Izzadora about 4 years ago
Just kidding Xp
Caretaker24523 over 2 years ago
My brother and sister (7 and 6 years younger than I, respectively) used to eat peanut butter, miracle whip, cheese, bologna and jelly sandwiches… with pickles if we had any. Unfortunately, I’d end up having to make them sometimes… talk about NASTY! But, they loved them and ate them for years… from the age of about 3 or 4 up until they were teenagers if I remember correctly.
lguanoman about 2 years ago
I love the way Bill Amend tells this story.