Sine: Say it now! Puhleeese! Horace: No! Sine: Aw, c'mon! Just say it! Horace: Oh, all right! The glass is half full. Sine: Thank you!
There is hope for Horace…optimistic outlook to please his friend is the first step??
I always knew that optimism can make negative things positive.. I didn’t know it worked on colors too!
Awesome first 3 panels!
I’m positive about the negative, but a little negative about the positive…
Some people see the glass as half full. Some see it as half empty. I just make sure I know where the paper towels are.
“Someone stole my glass.”
Charlie Brown when asked by Linus whether he saw his glass as half empty or half full.
Mendasock! aircraft-engineer beat me to it!
The engineer says the glass has 100% over needed capacity…
Best Ever!
A glass half empty means there’s room for more.
Hi Samuli!
The glass is full, but it could be holding more liquid.
July 31, 2015
hopeandjoy2 over 14 years ago
There is hope for Horace…optimistic outlook to please his friend is the first step??
Dobie Takahama over 14 years ago
I always knew that optimism can make negative things positive.. I didn’t know it worked on colors too!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Awesome first 3 panels!
amaki80 over 14 years ago
I’m positive about the negative, but a little negative about the positive…
cstewart23 over 14 years ago
Some people see the glass as half full. Some see it as half empty. I just make sure I know where the paper towels are.
WaitingMan over 14 years ago
“Someone stole my glass.”
Charlie Brown when asked by Linus whether he saw his glass as half empty or half full.
bmonk over 14 years ago
Mendasock! aircraft-engineer beat me to it!
The engineer says the glass has 100% over needed capacity…
shel4 over 14 years ago
Best Ever!
madbristowart over 14 years ago
A glass half empty means there’s room for more.
Hi Samuli!
Panzerpferd over 10 years ago
The glass is full, but it could be holding more liquid.