Definitely. The dogs & cats have been there for a long time.
And yet, nobody gets upset about selective breeding for dogs.
in many more ways than one
QISET, surely you’re not advocating selective breeding for humans.
As I keep saying, humans, like dogs, come in many colors…
Skin isn’t anything more than a wrapper. Who cares what color it is?
Mutts got it all over purebreds.
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 6 years ago
Definitely. The dogs & cats have been there for a long time.
Qiset over 6 years ago
And yet, nobody gets upset about selective breeding for dogs.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 6 years ago
in many more ways than one
Nighthawks Premium Member over 6 years ago
QISET, surely you’re not advocating selective breeding for humans.
Amra Leo over 6 years ago
As I keep saying, humans, like dogs, come in many colors…
BWR over 6 years ago
Skin isn’t anything more than a wrapper. Who cares what color it is?
danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago
Mutts got it all over purebreds.