Never ever – has a pill bottle come open that easily. Well, not since the child- and senior-proof caps came into existence. Won’t happen – but the punchline is good.
I’m a Pharmacist; an old Pharmacist. Back in the late 1960s, I came in to work at a small independent Pharmacy at around 7:30 A.M. and discovered that there had been a burglary. The thieves had cut a hole in the roof and ceiling and climbed down into the Pharmacy and knocked over all the metal shelves like shoving over dominoes. every Bottle was jumbled up on the floor and couple of gallon bottles of cough syrup had broken and everything was sitting in a pool of sticky cough syrup. It was one of the worst days of my 50 year career as a Pharmacist.
Strob over 6 years ago
“Lonnie swept the playroom, and he swallowed up all he found. It was 48 hours ‘till Lonnie came around.”
Farside99 over 6 years ago
Between the uppers, the downers, the inners, the outers and the inside-outers, they’ll never know what hit them.
Daniel Jacobson over 6 years ago
Just, how, did all those lids come off?
Stevefk over 6 years ago
This explains my local pharmacy!
Anathema Premium Member over 6 years ago
I swear this took place at a pharmacy I use to do business with.
backyardcowboy over 6 years ago
And don’t mind the little bits of glass, toss them in too.
Ned Snipes over 6 years ago
A page right out of the movie Old Dogs with the late master, Robin Williams
J Short over 6 years ago
Right bottle, wrong bottle; either way you’ll get sick.
Diat60 over 6 years ago
Interesting how those tiny pills and lightweight plastic bottles made the shelf break. Comic strip physics at work again?
vics_machine Premium Member over 6 years ago
Rose Madder Premium Member over 6 years ago
Never ever – has a pill bottle come open that easily. Well, not since the child- and senior-proof caps came into existence. Won’t happen – but the punchline is good.
kodj kodjin over 6 years ago
I’m a Pharmacist; an old Pharmacist. Back in the late 1960s, I came in to work at a small independent Pharmacy at around 7:30 A.M. and discovered that there had been a burglary. The thieves had cut a hole in the roof and ceiling and climbed down into the Pharmacy and knocked over all the metal shelves like shoving over dominoes. every Bottle was jumbled up on the floor and couple of gallon bottles of cough syrup had broken and everything was sitting in a pool of sticky cough syrup. It was one of the worst days of my 50 year career as a Pharmacist.
Andrew Sleeth over 6 years ago
Don’t, Mr. Gower! You’ll regret it the rest of your besotted life.