The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for August 11, 2018

  1. Rabbit
    RabbitHole  over 6 years ago

    Some people are born stupid and the sign won’t do any good. We just had another episode of someone leaving a baby in the hot car (outside temp. 95 degrees) and is now up on charges for the death of their child. My punishment would be to put people, who leave any creature of child in a hot car, in a metal box in the hot sun for at least 5 times the duration they left an child or animal in a hot car.

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  2. Missing large
    the lost wizard  over 6 years ago

    There’s no chance involved. Possibly the weather fried their brains.

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    Subguy322  over 6 years ago

    Sad but probably true.

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  4. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago

    People are still doing that? :(

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    MTH Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Then do the dog a favor and leave them home where they belong!

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    micromos  over 6 years ago

    My dog Boomer always rides shotgun with me on short rides. I never forget about him.

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    WCraft  over 6 years ago

    Only take mine out in the convertible. And, he is too big to forget.

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  8. Bear2
    johovey  over 6 years ago

    When I take my fluffer butt with me, he stays with me. I don’t like to leave him alone in the car. Although now you can leave them with the A/C on and the windows up and the doors locked. They will enjoy cool air till you get back in a minute and a half. :P

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    t jacobs  over 6 years ago

    Some moron in El Reno left his kid in his car yesterday or the day before. He won’t do that again.

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  10. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  over 6 years ago

    Dog or child left in a car, BREAK THE FREAKIN’ WINDOW.

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  11. Buster in sunshine
    Ppyfss  over 6 years ago

    Unfortunately, in some places it is still unlawful to do that. More states are addressing that situation and with certain lee ways, you can do that and not be charged. Hopefully, more places will adopt such an attitude and more people will feel better about breaking that window without fear of charges being filed against them.

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  12. Bear2
    johovey  over 6 years ago

    Excerpt from July 3, 2018

    (Re: Breaking a window to save a pet)

    So if you do it, know you probably will go to court, and you’ll have to pay the damages, too. In fact, according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, each state law is different:

    Although 29 states have some form of “hot car” law that prohibits leaving a companion animal unattended in a parked vehicle, the laws differ drastically from place to place:

    Only eight states — California, Colorado, Indiana, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Florida, Ohio and Tennessee — have “Good Samaritan” laws that allow any person to break a car window to save a pet. Alabama and Arizona have bills pending.

    In six of those states — California, Florida, Massachusetts, Ohio, Tennessee and Wisconsin — “Good Samaritans” must first contact law enforcement before breaking into the car in order for their actions to be considered legal.

    In 19 states, only public officials such as law enforcement and humane officers can legally break into a car to rescue an animal (Arizona, California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia and Washington).

    In New Jersey and West Virginia, although it is illegal to confine an animal in a hot car, no one has the authority to break into a vehicle to save the animal, not even law enforcement.

    You’ll notice that Missouri is nowhere on that list. So what CAN you do? If you think the animal is real danger, call the police. Let people know it’s not okay to leave their dog in a hot car “just for a few minutes”. After all, the temperature inside the vehicle can be significantly higher than outside of it, even during nice weather.

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  13. Helferx
    Helen Ferrieux  over 6 years ago

    I’d phone the police & tell them that if they’re not there in, say, 5 minutes, I’ll break a window. The windscreen is particularly hard to break but the back window should be easier. GET WITNESSES !

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