If he had been born “Murray” and was known for saying “Chucky baby, Chucky baby, Chucky baby” then I could see the paper bag with eyeholes.
" Elvis has left the building ! "
Seems like besides the Aints, the Bills’ victims (I mean fans) also used to wear paper bags over their heads.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
Vidrinath Premium Member over 6 years ago
If he had been born “Murray” and was known for saying “Chucky baby, Chucky baby, Chucky baby” then I could see the paper bag with eyeholes.
Linguist over 6 years ago
" Elvis has left the building ! "
Godfreydaniel over 6 years ago
Seems like besides the Aints, the Bills’ victims (I mean fans) also used to wear paper bags over their heads.