Lorraine’s figure is considerably downsized. Apparently supervisors don’t wear Wonder bras. Or, now that she has the promotion, she no longer needs it.
It appears that Lorraine was only renting her figure-one of those money back w/in 30 days if not completely satisfied Breast Augmentations-but who knows, perhaps she had been passed over by more “talented” women in the past and decided to turn the tables. Not much the bossman can do now. What’s he going to say? "I only promoted her because she had Big Tits! :D
B UTTONS over 6 years ago
There is really no need to go home. You can rent a Metromart mattress, rent Metromart clothes and laundry service.
16 hours on the phone and what do you get,
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
I do not like Lorraine!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 6 years ago
Yeah, if you want me to stay in the building, you probably need to be paying me to do so. Discouragement is not enough.
Buck B over 6 years ago
The Pro from Dover over 6 years ago
There’s more to being a supervisor than being an ass.
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I get 15 minute breaks and an hour (unpaid) for lunch.
MichelleZProvencher over 6 years ago
It appears that Lorraine was only renting her figure-one of those money back w/in 30 days if not completely satisfied Breast Augmentations-but who knows, perhaps she had been passed over by more “talented” women in the past and decided to turn the tables. Not much the bossman can do now. What’s he going to say? "I only promoted her because she had Big Tits! :D
MichelleZProvencher over 6 years ago
But yes, Lila is asking for trouble, asking a question unrelated to work that is basically a criticism or insult of another’s appearance. Just saying.