My poor father and e-mail on the computer were like the Hatfields and the McCoys.
My mom just got on Facebook a couple of months ago. She’s 86…..
Everyone thinks it’s wonderful, except tech support. Good thing I don’t need much sleep.
My mother perfected the art of the E-nag. Then the art of the Text-nag…
mourdac Premium Member over 6 years ago
My poor father and e-mail on the computer were like the Hatfields and the McCoys.
Plods with ...â„¢ over 6 years ago
My mom just got on Facebook a couple of months ago. She’s 86…..
Everyone thinks it’s wonderful, except tech support. Good thing I don’t need much sleep.
jrgtr42 over 6 years ago
My mother perfected the art of the E-nag. Then the art of the Text-nag…