Fred Basset by Alex Graham for August 30, 2018

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    DavBlc7  over 6 years ago

    Well, you’ve outvoted by two to one! the twins will def coming with you! lol!"

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    Breadboard  over 6 years ago

    And Fred is thinking Fun,Fun,Fun…….

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    nbwddd  over 6 years ago

    No, no dear. Holiday is when we spend our time trying to make twins, not bring them with us.

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    Russell Bedford  over 6 years ago

    Now, I always thought that Dear & Dear were empty nesters, filling the longing for their kids by taking care of Fred like he was one. . I also thought the twins were their grand-kids, who live nearby and visit often. So, taking the grand-kids on holiday with them, would be a normal thing.

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