If one thinks about, a lot of the “payday” loan places legally charge interest rates that could be that high (that the FB might go that route). In my state, we (the voters) passed a law to limit the rate that can be charged on payday loans. I don’t remember the max rate offhand, but I think it is less than 30%. If one figures it out some rates were up to 400%!
elbee57 about 14 years ago
Wish I could tell my bank that.
pouncingtiger about 14 years ago
@elbee57, don’t we all.
Yukoner about 14 years ago
Give FB a job collecting delinquent loans from others.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
I guess calling in the loan is out of the question.
Good Morning, Fellow Cave Dwellers.
Sandfan about 14 years ago
Service with a [gap-toothed] smile.
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Collateral just became a forward smash.
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
Collateral damage.
makemlaugh about 14 years ago
She’s the type that could break the bank.
frrykid Premium Member about 14 years ago
If one thinks about, a lot of the “payday” loan places legally charge interest rates that could be that high (that the FB might go that route). In my state, we (the voters) passed a law to limit the rate that can be charged on payday loans. I don’t remember the max rate offhand, but I think it is less than 30%. If one figures it out some rates were up to 400%!
SaunaBeach about 14 years ago
STOP IT, frrykid! You are making me THINK!!!!
sjoujke about 14 years ago
She’s a tough negotiator …. probably got a “no interest” rate loan.