It’s true, the cutest stage really doesn’t last long! If they can make miniature horses, why can’t they make miniature cats that are the size of a small kitten full-grown??
I’m a bird person, and they always stay young and playful. My best friend would play for a while in her room when I was busy, but eventually would come where I was-banging a toy on the floor to get my attention, so I had to stop and play for a bit, then she wanted to cuddle-so sweet!
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
They grow up so fast.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
It’s true, the cutest stage really doesn’t last long! If they can make miniature horses, why can’t they make miniature cats that are the size of a small kitten full-grown??
runar over 13 years ago
“The problem with a kitten is thatIt grows up to be a cat.
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
Great literature, along with “The Big Book of Bunny Suicides”.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
I’m a bird person, and they always stay young and playful. My best friend would play for a while in her room when I was busy, but eventually would come where I was-banging a toy on the floor to get my attention, so I had to stop and play for a bit, then she wanted to cuddle-so sweet!
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
Ruthie wanted to make a bee-line for a fe-line.
runar over 13 years ago
Don’t forget The Official I Hate Cats Book and The Second Official I Hate Cats Book.
kab2rb over 13 years ago
Aw Ruthie too late.
The Life I Draw Upon over 13 years ago
46 and still got hooked by a puppy..
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 13 years ago
Alot of cat haters here.I found this comic cute.
greenman_Kaven over 13 years ago
1000 uses for a dead cat…. wow someone else actually read that?
roguebfl over 13 years ago
Not going to happen remember Dad’s allergic. Nice try Ruthie