La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 10, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  over 6 years ago

    A play on the very first Peanuts cartoon from 1950, and likely reflects the response that a brown Carlitos would have had in 1950 and, sadly, to a large extent, still today.

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    Nyckname  over 6 years ago


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    Herb L 1954  over 6 years ago

    Sarah Sanders,the early years ;(

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  4. Smiling  tonguey sammie
    Rolf Rykken Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Two references to “Peanuts” today, here at “La Cucaracha” and “Lio.”

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    kaffekup   over 6 years ago

    Steven Miller’s illegitimate kid.

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 6 years ago

    I had hoped that racial, National, and Cultural had come to an end. For a while it seemed like it was a fast fading weed. Then, when Obama Won, I rejoiced that it was going to end. Then it broke out like a case of Chickenpox. ( I grew up in New Mexico where us kids were just that kids.) This was not what I expected. That was bad enough but then we got the the orange idiot. Not just an idiot, but a mentally ill, narcissist with a mean temper a why hasn’t he been arrested for ripping little kids out of their parents arms.! That CAN’T be Legal ! Besides being evil, immoral and insanely cruel!

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