Crossing a pirate ? With a knife near at hand ? Methinks that the cook might have some fresh meat for the crew soon.
Man that is one grubby pirate! Nicely drawn Mr Raeside (love the pirate dog too)
Pee on his wooden leg.
The dog has a peg leg.
Avast with your complaining. This must be below decks on the Green Ship from Overboard.
And you thought that junkyard dogs were tough.
And all those guys walking around with wooden legs shouting: fetch the stick
finkd over 6 years ago
Crossing a pirate ? With a knife near at hand ? Methinks that the cook might have some fresh meat for the crew soon.
rush.diana over 6 years ago
Man that is one grubby pirate! Nicely drawn Mr Raeside (love the pirate dog too)
amethyst52 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Pee on his wooden leg.
Bob. over 6 years ago
The dog has a peg leg.
Stevefk over 6 years ago
rhpii over 6 years ago
Avast with your complaining. This must be below decks on the Green Ship from Overboard.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago
And you thought that junkyard dogs were tough.
WCraft over 6 years ago
And all those guys walking around with wooden legs shouting: fetch the stick
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 6 years ago