Bound and Gagged by Dana Summers for October 18, 2018

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    finkd  over 6 years ago

    Only two people have ever earned that honor – him, and Boris Karloff.

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    Farside99  over 6 years ago

    Now they’d like you to sign this release to let them pull your brains out through your nose and put them in a jar.

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    hogpop.padula  over 6 years ago

    I was the unlucky recipient of a spider bite while in Key West Florida, my right leg has looked like that for the last 5 months.

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    preacherman Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I watched on old episode of Star Trek Voyager called “Phage” where Nelix, the Telaxian, had his lungs removed and as such he had to remain perfectly motionless under a restraining field or he would die. In the end, Nelix got a lung from his love interest, Kess, and lived happily ever after.

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    Marblemouth  over 6 years ago

    Wow. That guy really is Bound and Gagged. Just as advertised.

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    aerilim  over 6 years ago

    Something’s wrong. How could he beat Wild E. Coyote to the number one spot ?

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