When I was a naive junior-high student in Wisconsin, I read about the Latino practice of siesta and thot to myself that they must all be a bunch of lazy bums. Then, years later, I exited a plane in Phoenix, got hit in the face by what seemed like a hot frying pan, and finally realized that the people who lived even farther south than Arizona knew what they were doing!
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
Esos suecos de la Fundación del Premio Nobel no son muy pacientes.
kaffekup over 6 years ago
Oddly enough, this phenomenon is also ascribed to Jews and African-Americans. So he’d have to share his Nobel Prize.
KennethJohnson over 6 years ago
Ah, a distant relative of Langston Hughes’s CP time!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago
I was listening to a comedian who is married to a latina and he explained it. Hilarious.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 6 years ago
When I was a naive junior-high student in Wisconsin, I read about the Latino practice of siesta and thot to myself that they must all be a bunch of lazy bums. Then, years later, I exited a plane in Phoenix, got hit in the face by what seemed like a hot frying pan, and finally realized that the people who lived even farther south than Arizona knew what they were doing!
Radish... over 6 years ago
Manana is soon enough for me.
Bill Löhr Premium Member over 6 years ago