The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for September 23, 2018

  1. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 6 years ago

    Someone has to give them a stern looking at.

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    the lost wizard  over 6 years ago

    Staring does not begin until the futile chase is over.

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    Stevefk  over 6 years ago

    Dog versus squirrel, it’s like the coyote and roadrunner – unless the squirrel pulls a hamstring or breaks his leg it’ll never happen!

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  4. Bear2
    johovey  over 6 years ago

    That squirrel is just so nonchalant about being stared at. It can be infuriating for the pup!

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  5. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  over 6 years ago

    It’s become a verb in our house.

    “Oops. sorry. I squirreled.”

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  6. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 6 years ago

    Hurry up, Koko! ….Woof, nut now!

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  7. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  over 6 years ago

    I’ll never forget how my Shep mix, nearly caught a squirrel! The little bush tailed rodent was bold enough to try and drink from her water dish and she was not having any of that! So, she snuck up on it (very cat like because she grew up with cats!) and pounced! That squirrel must have jumped 10 feet from fright! She chased it up a tree, and even managed to nip the end of it’s tail! I roared with laughter as the squirrel made it to a high branch(breathing hard!), turned around started to chitter at my dog! I could only imagine the squirrel profanity being hurled at my dog, who looked very satisfied as she spat out tail fur!

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