Specially customized, just for Lil.
It must get out of counting range in a hurry then!
Hope they installed enough capacity.
What about a snaffle bit …?
What if the Fit Bit doesn’t fit?
Anything that get’s the heart rate I guess.
May 24, 2014
Farside99 over 6 years ago
Specially customized, just for Lil.
whataboytjiex2 over 6 years ago
It must get out of counting range in a hurry then!
blunebottle over 6 years ago
Hope they installed enough capacity.
Howard'sMyHero over 6 years ago
What about a snaffle bit …?
J Short over 6 years ago
What if the Fit Bit doesn’t fit?
mauser7 over 6 years ago
Anything that get’s the heart rate I guess.