I was copying some “Absolutely Fabulous” to my hard drive (yes, I own the DVDs) and I had to screen shot one with Edina where she was delivering a witty line. In the background was a Mac G4 Cube (I have two of them). Yeah—it caught my eye and had nothing to do with the subject.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
Et tu?!
whahoppened over 6 years ago
Welllllll, maybe fingernails are important to him. In a number of occupations you can’t have fingernails.
baraktorvan over 6 years ago
I was copying some “Absolutely Fabulous” to my hard drive (yes, I own the DVDs) and I had to screen shot one with Edina where she was delivering a witty line. In the background was a Mac G4 Cube (I have two of them). Yeah—it caught my eye and had nothing to do with the subject.
well-i-never over 6 years ago
Is he watching This Old Tony?!
skcaaf over 6 years ago
Those who care see life as a tragedy. Those who think see life as a comedy
The Reader Premium Member over 6 years ago
Fingernails? The mouse did them!
Indianapolis Smith over 6 years ago
Pretty fingernails? The mouse or the videographer?
heathcliff2 over 6 years ago
Is he one of those style featurers.