The only problem with this, is that she will be even more insufferable than before! Assuming, of course, that Mal and Harry are ready to go. Although, the chickens ain’t quite hatched yet!
So apparently the laws of gravity still apply to spirits…I see this as noteworthy, considering that Wrath continuously floated the whole time he was loose.
McColl34 Premium Member about 6 years ago
The only problem with this, is that she will be even more insufferable than before! Assuming, of course, that Mal and Harry are ready to go. Although, the chickens ain’t quite hatched yet!
Willywise52 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Diat60 about 6 years ago
Hey, Envy got sandbagged!
scyphi26 about 6 years ago
So apparently the laws of gravity still apply to spirits…I see this as noteworthy, considering that Wrath continuously floated the whole time he was loose.
Odd Dog Premium Member about 6 years ago
OK not quite as good as a coat and gloves but hey if it works, it works.
drmickeyg about 6 years ago
I’m not sure Envy is completely down and out, yet…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
He lost that concentration and cut all the strings…