Swan Eaters by Georgia Dunn for January 04, 2019

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    catmom1360  about 6 years ago

    Don’t like using the name of Jesus like that.

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    Strob  about 6 years ago


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  3. Hellcat
    knight1192a  about 6 years ago

    Yeah, because she spoils all Ivan’s evil plans. Meanwhile Offal may have some competition.

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    TammyHarris-Dearhouse Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Not even otherworldly demons are safe from Vesper’s allure! I love how Georgia keeps everything black and white in this series. When she does throw in a little touch of color, like today, it is so unexpected and fun! It really adds a pop to it with so little.

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  5. Pytheimperial
    momma-tink  about 6 years ago

    Dear John, oops…Dear Uncle Offal

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    ZoMcYo Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Hahaha! I love today’s strip! Will there be a chance of jealous outrage from Uncle Offal in future? I dearly hope so.

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  7. Ruke toe
    miscreant  about 6 years ago

    Nobody stranger than Mr. Wigglesworth.

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    catmom1360  about 6 years ago

    There are other nasty words a nasty kid could say.

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    splinterexpert  about 6 years ago

    Speaking as someone who uses foul language a lot, it’s hard to describe the feeling certain words give when cussing. Maybe the satisfaction comes from the potential level of offensiveness. Or from the prohibition itself of a particular word. But, I always feel a little bad if I offend someone. I totally use Christianity inspired curses, and I suspect they feel so satisfying because I grew up in that setting. I won’t do it in front of most grandmas, though.

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