Swan Eaters by Georgia Dunn for November 09, 2018

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    catmom1360  over 6 years ago

    Who is the Queen?

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    Strob  over 6 years ago

    “Reply hazy, try again.”

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    knight1192a  over 6 years ago

    Hmmm, I wonder if Georgia read 2000 edition the Old Farmer’s Almanac when she did this one. There’s an article in that edition called “How to Become a Prophet (In 24 Hours or Less)” that lays out six steps. Step two, avoid specifics. In other words, be vague because most predictions are really about people interpreting what you say. Step one, predict the past. Basically things that have happened in the past are likely to happen in the future, like an earthquake will happen or the U.S. will elect a president. Step two I already mentioned. Step three is to predict the obvious. Kinda a rehash of step one, like that U.S. electing a president which happens every four years. Step 4 is to leave home. They don’t mean literally leave home, but rather when you give your prediction make yourself sound more exotic so that the folks who know you can read your prediction and maybe not realize that you wrote it. Like your from far away. Though with the net it’s a bit easier to “leave home”. Step 5 is to leave yourself an out. Again this is a rehash, though a rehash of step two. Don’t be specific, be vague and let folks interpret what you said. That way when it doesn’t come true you can say “I never said it would happen like that, you did” or “I never said it would happen on that date”. Step 6, predict interesting stuff. Know your audience and predict what they want to hear about.

    Back in 2008 I was answering a lot of question on Yahoo Answers and at the time one of the most common questions being asked was about the Mayan’s supposedly predicting the world would end December 12, 2012 because that was when their long calendar was supposed to end. I was answering these questions using the above article to explain how it was about interpretation and about mid summer I was using the following “predictions” to explain the steps. “In November 2008 the United States will elect Hillary Clinton as the winner of the presidential race.” As I said, it was mid summer and by that time anyone

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 6 years ago

    It’s like the classic fortune cookie message. “You have talents and abilities that no one appreciates.” Pretty much everyone who reads it thinks, “Wow. This is so true.”

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    Fiona D Premium Member over 6 years ago

    OMC! Hester has an actual skill? Besides avoiding work?

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    miscreant  over 6 years ago

    Conning people is an art form.

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    arenicejam  over 6 years ago

    This made me laugh out loud.

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    Fennec! at the Disco Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I heard about an OB-GYN. At the end of his first visit with each pregnant client, he would look her over carefully and predict whether she would have a boy or a girl. Then he would pull his desk calendar over and write down the mom’s name and his prediction.

    By the time the baby came along, the mom would generally have forgotten his prediction. Every so often though, at the first postpartum visit, the mom would shake a finger at the doc and say, “You were wrong! You said I’d have a boy, but I had a girl!”

    And the doc would pull his desk calendar over, look for her name and the prediction, and show it to her: “Jane Smith—girl.” And so he was never wrong.

    You know how he did it, I suppose. He told each woman one thing, then wrote down the opposite.

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