Ha! All my dogs hear is , do you want to go to the park? No matter if I say, Target, vet, or Mars, they hear park. And when it turns out we end up at Target, or the vet, they are quite annoyed.Even if I do not mentions destination,they believe they are going to the park. So far, we have not made it to Mars, so I do not know what their opinion would be. Unless there is a park on Mars. That they would approve of.
Please don’t take your dog with you if all you’re going to do is leave it in the car. Dogs get stolen out of cars all the time, not to mention dying from heat or cold. So abusive!
rush.diana about 6 years ago
Once a week we visit my folks, Brutus seems to hear “blah, blah, blah, CAR, blah, blah, blah, RIDE, blah, blah, blah GRAMMY’S AND GRAMPY’S” :-)
Stevefk about 6 years ago
As long as there’s a stop at PetSmart too I’m in! Wanna check out the "treats’ aisle!
jlsnell327 about 6 years ago
Ha! All my dogs hear is , do you want to go to the park? No matter if I say, Target, vet, or Mars, they hear park. And when it turns out we end up at Target, or the vet, they are quite annoyed.Even if I do not mentions destination,they believe they are going to the park. So far, we have not made it to Mars, so I do not know what their opinion would be. Unless there is a park on Mars. That they would approve of.
donwalter about 6 years ago
NO…WAIT!!! The VET is at the mall…
PepperStepper about 6 years ago
Please don’t take your dog with you if all you’re going to do is leave it in the car. Dogs get stolen out of cars all the time, not to mention dying from heat or cold. So abusive!
about 6 years ago
My dog loves staring at doors, too.
Impkins Premium Member about 6 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH LYONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago
And yet…they still want to go!